My One True Light
You are the one true light in my life,
Though I never tell you enough.
You are always there for me,
Even when times get tough.
and my morning star,
Shining down on me,
To bring comfort from afar
You are the love of my life,
My heart and my soul.
My beloved husband,
To have and to hold.
I could search the world over
With all of my might,
But find none that compare,
To you, my one true light...


You... made me laugh when I cried so hard
You gave me bracelets to cover my scars
You held me close when I was so cold
You offered a comforting hand to hold
You picked me up whenever I fell
You showed me heaven when I was blinded by hell
You answered my calls in the darkened night
You gave me the reasons to hold on and fight
You rescued me when I was drowning in pain
You placed me back on the right path again
You loved me forever and stayed by my side
You entered my heart as an angel to guide
You may not be with me so much anymore
But I know you will leave open a beckoning door
I miss you so much but I'll fight till the end
I love you so much my...
Dearest friend.

These poems.... every each word touches my deepest heart...
Allow me to dedicate these poems to those special people in my life...
...during my hard time...
And...Thank You Allah, for Your Mercy, for everything....!
Bestnya poem nih kak.memang sesuai ditujukan buat insan teristimewa kan.. lagi2 dikala kita memerlukan beliau di sisi.. ;)
To Hasue:
hehee,TQ Sue..
Layan jiwang kjap sambil2 pkena secawan kopi!! Masa2 bjauhan ni hati rindu n sdey...layan je la..Sib baik anak2 cuti meriah sket rmah akak..
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