From Left:Cellular phone casing, different sizes of containers with natures motives (lizard & hornbill ~ The Bird of Paradise)
Enjoy your ample time by looking at these few, among lots of Sarawak Tribals' creativities... All these handmade handbags, purse, containers and cellular phone casing, are made of high quality beads which are imported from overseas.
Kita adalah sesiapa saja yg bertuah dilahirkan ke dunia ini...kita lahir di tempat yg berbeza, melakar sejarah yg berbeza, dan persepsi kita juga berbeza... Namun siapa pun kita, apa pun bangsa dan warna kita, kita punya satu kesamaaan, asal kita dari Adam dan Hawa... So, let's share stories n ideas about U, myself and d world around.. Let's put more colours 2 this world...Make it brighter, lovely n peaceful place 4 our generation 2 live on. Jom sembang, bgurau n brfikir brsama..past, present n future..
This blog is created in such a way to enable visitors at any stage of age (youngsters, adults, housewives, professionals and anyone who may benefit themselves from d posted infos/ideas),to feel free n enjoying themselves while browsing my blog. Do not dash off this blog until u struck with points to ponder about. I'll try to leak out good infos/ideas for us to share, from time to time. Patience is virtue.. So, happy reading n Good luck!
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