This is a listing of many but not all of the popular herbs and spices used in culinary preparations. Use this as a guide to seasoning and a quick reference for plant information with hope it will make you a better cook.
Allspice is a member of the myrtle family, grown primarily in Jamaica. The berry is a sort of reddish-greenish-brown, and is about the size of a pea. Allspice was brought back to Europe by none other than Christopher Columbus, who mistakenly thought it was pepper (hence the latin name). The allspice tree grows about 30 feet tall (9 meters), and is an evergreen with dark green shiny leaves and clusters of small white flowers.
Allspice is the only spice of any major consequence that is still grown almost entirely on the Carribean islands. It's used in catsup, pickles, baking, and in men's spice-type colognes. Allspice tastes like a combination of spices -- cloves, cinnamon, and nutmeg -- which is why it got its common name.
Anise (Bunga Lawang)
The greek mathematician, Pythagoras, apparently believed that anise would prevent epilepsy (he also though that eating beans would destroy your mathematical ability -- although he was talking about Fava beans, rather than the Boston Baked variety).
Anise has been used for thousands of years, as a flavoring, breath sweetener, digestive aid, cough suppressant, air freshener, mousetrap bait, and (more recently) as the scent on the artificial rabbit that is used in greyhound races.
Anise tastes like licorice (or rather, licorice tastes like anise), and it is the seeds that are used to flavor everything from candy, to liquors, to toothpaste. The Greek beverage, Ouzo, is flavored with anise.
Anise seeds were used in Roman times to pay taxes -- in fact, many spices played the role of money in ancient times, as they were valuable and quite portable.
Arrow Root
Arrowroot was introduced into European culture by some of the early European settlers of the New World, who learned of it from the Arawak, the people who lived in the Caribbean Islands (and who still live in remote areas of Guiana, a region of mainland South America due north of Brazil). The Arawak named the plant aru-aru, which meant literally "meal of meals," indicating how highly they valued the starchy food made from the arrowroot tubers. The Arawak also used arrowroot tubers to draw poison from wounds inflicted by poisoned arrows, which is where the name "arrowroot" apparently came from in English, first recorded in 1696.
Arrowroot is not used for flavoring, but rather for thickening sauces. We've included a description of it here because it's normally found in the spice rack at the supermarket, and because it fits the same criteria as do herbs and spices: a little is generally all it takes.
Arrowroot should only be used at the very end of cooking, since unlike other thickeners (such as corn starch or tapioca) it will break down after about 10 minutes -- which means that your nice thick sauce will become un-thick. Also, it doesn't thicken up again if re-heated.
The main advantages of arrowroot are that it makes very delicate sauces, and that it thickens at a lower temperature than corn starch -- so it's especially good for dairy or egg-based sauces that might curdle if cooked at too high a temperature.
Use about 2.5 teaspoons of arrowroot powder per cup of liquid.
Balsamic Vinegar
Balsamic vinegar is a very aromatic and expensive vinegar by comparison with other types of vinegar. It is made by aging high-quality red wine vinegar in oak (usually) barrels for years -- the longer it is aged, the more expensive it will be.
Balsamic vinegar is a common ingredient in Italian cooking, and is often used as a major component in salad dressings or used on vegetables such as green beans or carrots.
Here is what Manicardi says about balsamic vinegar. (I thought this was funny. Of course, my Italian would be even funnier -- the only thing I know how to say in Italian at the moment is "the central heating doesn't work").
Balsamic Vinegar is the most precious gift of the ancient and rich gastronomy of Modena. Today it arrives on our dinner table. From Azienda Agricola Manicardi, the perpetration of this aged-old tradition makes the good cooking precious. The done musts and the vinegars originated from Azienda Agricola Manicardi, ripen in barrels made of chestnut, oak, mulberry, cherry, that put in hot garrets, give over the time a natural intense aromatic quality. Balsamic Vinegar Manicardi is particulary suitable to flavour every kind of vegetables, to exalt the taste of meat and it makes rafined many gastronomic proposals.
Basil is a member of the mint family, and was known as the herb of kings in ancient times. In fact, its name may have been derived from the Greek word basileus, meaning "king". The ancient Greeks and Romans believed that you had to curse and yell while you were planting basil seeds, to get a good crop, although that practice has since been largely abandoned, at least by commercial growers.
Like other members of the mint family, basil has been used medicinally for digestive upsets. Try making tea from basil, as you would mint, for an after-dinner tea.
Basil goes well with other herbs, spices, and flavorings, especially thyme, garlic, oregano, and lemon.
Bay Leaves
Bay leaves come from the bay laurel tree, which is a medium-sized evergreen tree (hardy to about 20 degrees Fahrenheit -- it's not a cold-climate tree).
In antiquity, the bay laurel was a symbol of honor, glory, and valour. Heroes, scholars, and athletic champions wore wreaths of bay leaves on their heads. (But try that at the office, and everyone looks at you funny.)
Great protective powers were also ascribed to the bay laurel -- if you stood near a laurel tree, you couldn't be struck by lightning or suffer from the spells of evil witches.
Capers are the pickled, unopened flower buds of the caper plant. Caper plants are small shrubs, about 3 feet tall, native to the Mediterranean area. Buds are picked by hand every day -- the smaller the bud, the higher the quality.
Cumin is the dried seed of the herb Cuminum cyminum, a member of the parsley family. The Cumin plant grows to about 1 to 2 feet tall and is harvested by hand. Cumin is a key component in both Chili Powder and Curry Powder.
Uses: Cumin's flavor plays a major role in Mexican, Thai, Vietnamese, and Indian cuisines. Cumin is a critical ingredient of chili powder, and is found in achiote blends, adobos, garam masala, curry powder, and baharat.
Origins: Historically, Iran has been the principal supplier of Cumin, but currently the major sources are India, Syria, Pakistan, and Turkey.
Uses:Caraway seeds are the main part of the herb that is used, although the entire plant is edible. Caraway seeds taste similar to anise, with a hint of dill. The main use for caraway seeds is in rye bread.
Description:Caraway is a biennial. The first year, the plant produces carrot-like leaves, and grows about 2 feet tall. The leaves die back during the winter, leaving the parsnip-like tuber to produce the next year's leaves and flowers. The flowers are on tall stems in an umbrella formation (hence the family name, Umbelliferae).
History: Caraway has been cultivated for thousands of years -- the seeds have been found in Mesopotamian remains at least 5000 years old. Hungarian herdsmen used the seeds to flavor their goulash, Germans flavored pork with it, and the Swedish put the seeds in bread. Growing Sow the seeds in early spring (or in early fall in mild winter areas). Plant it in rows about 3 feet apart, and thin the plants to about 8 inches apart. The soil should be well-drained and loose -- use plenty of organic matter if you've got heavy soil. Mulch the roots in winter if your soil freezes. Harvest the seeds the second year, as soon as they start to turn brown. If you'd like to try the roots, it's best to harvest those (like carrots) at the end of the first summer.
Coriander Seeds
Uses: Coriander is the dried, ripe fruit of the herb Coriandum sativum. The tannish brown seeds have a sweetly aromatic flavor which is slightly lemony. A zesty combination of sage and citrus, Coriander is actually thought to increase the appetite.
Description: Coriander is used in lentils, beans, onions, potatoes, hotdogs, chili, sausages, stews, and pastries. It is used in the cooking of North American, Mediterranean, North African, Mexican, Indian, and Southeast Asian cuisines, as well as spice blends, including curry powders, chili powders, garam masala, and berbere.
Uses: Carob seeds and pods are edible. The ground seeds are used as a substitute for cocoa and as a food (also known as algarroba, St. John's bread, and locust bean gum). The pods are commonly used as cattle feed. Carob powder is also used as a food stabilizer and as a darkening agent.
Description: The carob tree is a medium-sized warm climate tree in the legume family, sometimes growing to 50 feet in height. Although native to the Mediterranean, it is now grown in warm climates throughout the world, including Florida and souther California in the United States. The carob beans appear in foot-long reddish pods.
History: Carob pods and beans have been used for food for over 5000 years. Growing Carob trees are drought tolerant, and usually handle cold weather better than citrus. They are warm-climate plants, however, so you shouldn't try to grow them in a climate that gets below freezing temperatures.
Cassia is closely related to cinnamon and is often confused with it. Cassia has a strong, sweet taste and aroma more like cinnamon than cinnamon to American palates. Cassia hails from Burma instead of cinnamon's birthplace of Sri Lanka. A long used spice, cassia was used in China as long ago as 2500 B.C.
Cassia buds are highly aromatic and similar in appearance to cloves. In China the buds are used to give candy a cinnamon flavor. What you generally find sold as "Cinnamon sticks" are actually cassia bark quills. Cassia is commonly mixed with cinnamon in commercial "ground cinnamon." This mixture's potency is short lived, so be sure to keep it in airtight tinted glass containers, in a cool place.
Warning: Do not confuse Cinnamonum Cassia with Cassia Marilandica (wild senna) or Cassia senna (senna), these contain strong cathartics that may cause violent purging. Teas made from the Cassia family may be dangerous.
The leaf oil can used in tonics, antiseptics, and in remedies for intestinal gas, nausea, colds, and hypertension.
As a side note: it's not cost-effective for the major pharmaceutical companies to fund research to determine the effectiveness of naturally occurring substances. Since medical research is extremely expensive, and since naturally occurring pharmacological substances are very difficult to patent and trivial to reproduce, private sources do not tend to fund much research into medicinal uses of normal herbs. It's wise to be skeptical about any claims for herbal remedies, of course, but one can't assume that those claims are entirely invalid either, in the absence of any empirical evidence to refute them.
Chives, Allium schoenoprasum, are the reed-like stems of a perennial, bulbous plant of the lily family. The name "Chives" is derived from the Latin cepa, meaning onion. Chives are a member of the onion family.
Uses: Used in cold soups, stir-fried items, cheese and cream sauces, dips, potatoes, and as a garnish. Chives are popular in European and Chinese cuisines and in the seasoning blend fines herbes.
Origins: Chives are native to China and Taiwan and are also sourced from California. Chinese chives characteristicially have wider and fatter stems than other varieties. Chives can be grown in all temperature regions of the world. Chives are also sold freeze-dried.
Chilli (Peppers)
The Chili Pepper is one of the most common, and most loved, spices in the world. Many books have been written entirely on chili peppers, such as Peppers and The Pepper Garden.
Chili Peppers are also called "hot" peppers, because they usually contain an ingredient called capsaicin (the Bell pepper being an exception, since it lacks the gene to produce capsaicin).
Celery Seeds
Celery seed is the dried fruit of the Apium graveolens which is related, but not identical, to the vegetable celery plant. The tiny brown seeds have a celery-like flavor and aroma.
Uses: Used in pickling, vegetables, salad dressings, breads, soups, and tomato items. Celery seed is used in celery salt, bouquet garni, pickling and curry spice blends, and the ethnic cuisines of Germany, Italy, Russia, and the Orient.
Origins: The principal sources of Celery Seed are India and China but France also produces a small quantity. Indian and Chinese Celery Seed are similar in appearance while the French variety is slightly darker. Indian Celery Seed has the strongest flavor and the French type is milder. Indian seed, because of its color and taste, is considered the premium seed. Chinese seed is smaller and has a slightly milder flavor.
Cloves are the dried, unopened, nail-shaped flower buds of the evergreen Syzygium aromaticum. They are reddish-brown in color and have a strong, aromatic flavor and aroma.
Uses: Cloves are an important ingredient in the spice blends of Sri Lanka and North India. They are used in garam masala, biryanis, and pickles. In the U.S., cloves are used in meats, salad dressings, and desserts. Clove is a key flavor contributor to ketchup and Worchestershire sauce seasoning blends. Chinese and German seasonings also depend on Cloves to flavor meats and cookies.
Origins: Cloves are believed to be native to the Molucca Islands of Indonesia. Although Indonesia is the largest producer of Cloves, Zanzibar and Madagascar are the major exporters, where Clove trees cover thousands of acres of the islands. Historically, Cloves originating from Madagascar have been considered superior.
One of the oldest known spices, cinnamon is mentioned in the Bible and in Sanskrit writings. Cinnamon is native to Sri Lanka and comes from the tropical evergreen laurel tree, Cinnamomum zeylanicum. The spice is the tree bark, rolled into sticks, quills or ground to powder. Known as "true cinnamon" as opposed to Cassia (Cinnamomum cassia) which is commonly used as "cinnamon" in the United States.
Ground cinnamon enhances many curries and meat stews especially those made with lamb. It can also be used in cakes, puddings, breads and stewed fruits.
Cinnamon sticks are often used in hot drinks such as mulled wine , hot chocolate and coffee to add just that extra zing on a cold night.
Cinnamon has many uses besides being a condiment, the oils of the leaves, bark and roots add their scent and flavor to incense and perfumes. The leaf oil can used in tonics, antiseptics, and in remedies for intestinal gas, nausea, colds, and hypertension.
Warning: The oils should be avoided during pregnancy, since they have been linked to miscarriages.
As a side note: it's not cost-effective for the major pharmaceutical companies to fund research to determine the effectiveness of naturally occurring substances. Since medical research is extremely expensive, and since naturally occurring pharmacological substances are very difficult to patent and trivial to reproduce, private sources do not tend to fund much research into medicinal uses of normal herbs. It's wise to be skeptical about any claims for herbal remedies, of course, but one can't assume that those claims are entirely invalid either, in the absence of any empirical evidence to refute them.
Cardamom is the dried, unripened fruit of the perennial Elettaria cardamomum. Enclosed in the fruit pods are tiny, brown, aromatic seeds which are slightly pungent to taste. Cardamom pods are generally green but are also available in bleached white pod form. It is available both in the whole pod and as decorticated seeds with the outer hull removed.
Uses: Cardamom is used in Danish pastries, Saudi Arabian, North African, Asian, and Indian cooking and in spice blends such as garam masala, curry powder, and berbere.
Origins: Whole Cardamom pods come from India while the decorticated seeds are imported from Guatemala. Two varieties are indigenous to India but are also cultivated in Guatemala and Sri Lanka. Indian Cardamom is considered to be of premium quality. The Malabar type, rounded in shape, has a pleasantly mellow flavor generally regarded as superior. The Mysore type, ribbed and three cornered, has a slightly harsher flavor but retains its green color longer.
Dill Seeds
Dill is an annual of the parsley family and is related to Anise, Caraway, Coriander, Cumin, and Fennel. Dill Weed is the dried leaves of the herb Anethum graveolens, the same plant from which Dill Seed is derived. The flavor of Dill Weed is lighter and more subtle than Dill Seed.
Uses: European and American cuisines use Dill Seed in pickles, meats, seafood, cheeses, and breads. Dill Seed is an important flavoring in spice blends for salad dressings, dal curry blends, and spices for pickling. Dill Weed is used with fish and shellfish, cottage and cream cheese, and with tomato juice beverages. In the cuisine of the Middle East, Dill Weed is used to season meats and vegetables, such as lamb and spinach. German cuisine relies on Dill for potato soup and Greek grape leaves are seasoned with Dill Weed. Dill is also used in the seasoning blend for rice pilaf.
Origins: Dill Weed is primarily grown domestically and in Egypt. Domestic Dill Weed is cleaner and greener in appearance than the Egyptian. Dill Seed is grown primarily in India.
Fennel is the dried, ripe fruit of the perennial Foeniculum vulgare. Tall and hardy, this plant has finely divided, feathery, green foliage and golden yellow flowers. Oval seeds form in clusters after the flowers have died and are harvested when they harden.
Uses: Fennel seeds are an important ingredient in seasoning blends of the Mediterranean, Italy, China, and Scandinavia. Fennel seeds may be roasted prior to incorporation into seasoning blends to intensify their flavor. Fennel is used in curry blends, Chinese five spice, mirepoix, and herbes de Provence. Fennel is also used to flavor fish, sausages, baked goods, and liquors.
Origins: Fennel was once native only to the Mediterranean region, but now most Fennel is grown in India, China, Egypt and Turkey.
Garlic is a member of the lilly family, as are onions, shallots, leeks and chives. Garlic has a compound bulb made up of individual "cloves", grows in most climates, and has been used for both cooking and medicinal purposes for at least 4000 years, probably much longer. Garlic possesses magical powers, according to the folklore of many regions, and was widely used in charms and spells to protect against evil (e.g. werewolves).
Beginning, possibly, with the ancient Egyptians, garlic has been reputed to help alleviate many medical problems, including: reducing high blood pressure, respiratory problems, and headaches, and to disinfect wounds, kill parasitic worms, and generally maintain health. Sniff crushed garlic to cure hysteria. Olive oil that's been heated with garlic, strained, and cooled can be placed in the ear to help earache.
There is some scientific evidence that allicin, the chemical in garlic that gives it its smell, destroys bacteria, fungus, and yeast. Allicin breaks down with cooking, so cooked garlic and "de-odorized" garlic may lack this chemical. In addition, there's evidence that allicin reduces blood clotting and possibly lowers blood pressure.
As a side note: it's not cost-effective for the major pharmaceutical companies to fund research to determine the effectiveness of naturally occurring substances. Since medical research is extremely expensive, and since naturally occurring pharmacological substances are very difficult to patent and trivial to reproduce, private sources do not tend to fund much research into medicinal uses of normal herbs. It's wise to be skeptical about any claims for herbal remedies, of course, but one can't assume that those claims are entirely invalid either, in the absence of any empirical evidence to refute them.
Ginger (Halia)
Ginger has been used for thousands of years, both to spice food and to sooth the digestive system. Ginger is reputed to alleviate the symptoms of motion sickness, makes a tingling bath and a refreshing tea, helps improve circulation, and makes a beautiful potted plant. Although gingerbread may seem like a recent (and Western) invention, it was actually being made by Greek bakers more than 4 thousand years ago.
Mustards are among the most popular of condiments. Dry Mustards are used in soups and stews, prepared mustards are used in sauces for meats, mayonnaise, salad dressings and as a spread for the good old American hot dog. Mustard greens are often served as side dishes and are central to southern "soul food" meals
There are several different varieties of mustards; black, brown, white and yellow. All are members of the cabbage family. Brown and white mustards are most commonly used in the United States. Black mustard is used primarily in East Indian cuisines.
Prepared mustards come in 100's of different recipes, a few are: yellow American, Dijon, German, Bordeaux, Horseradish, Chili and Lemon. It seems there are as many different kinds of mustard as there are tastes.
Marjoram is the dried leaves and floral parts of the herb Origanium hortensis. Most scientists consider Marjoram to be a species of Oregano. The light grayish-green leaves of Marjoram have a sweeter and more delicate flavor than Oregano.
Uses: Marjoram may be used in sausages, lamb, beef, pork, chicken, fish, tomato dishes, stuffings, breads, salad dressings, and chowders. Marjoram is used in Italian, French, North African, Middle Eastern, and American cuisines and spice blends such as bouquet garni, fines herbes, and sausage and pickle blends.
Origins: Egypt is the principal source for nearly all of the Marjoram imported into the United States. Other producers include East Europe, France and the United States.
Nutmeg is the seed of the fruit which grows on the tree Myristica fragans, the same fruit from which Mace is derived. The oval shaped seeds have a sweet, spicy flavor. When ripe, the fruit splits in half exposing the netlike membrane or aril known as the mace. The mace closely enwraps a dark brown, brittle shell inside of which is the single, glossy, brown, oily seed or the Nutmeg.
Uses: Commonly used in sweet foods and enhances savory foods. Nutmeg blends well with other spices and is found in the ethnic cuisines of Italy, the Caribbean, France, India, Germany, Scandinavia, Greece, Latin America, and the Middle East.
Origins: Nutmeg originating from the East Indies has a relatively high volatile oil content and a distinctively rich flavor and aroma. As opposed to the highly aromatic East Indian Nutmeg, the lighter colored West Indian type has a milder flavor and higher fatty oil content.
Oregano is the dried leaves of the herbs Origanum spp or Lippia spp (Mexican). Both varieties have traditionally been harvested in the "wild." The Mediterranean variety is closely related to Marjoram and is very similar in physical appearance. "Oregano" means Marjoram in Spanish, and although sometimes referred to as "Wild Marjoram" it is a different herb.
Uses: Mediterranean Oregano, which gained its popularity after the troops returned from WWII, is found in much of Italian cuisine: pizza, spaghetti sauces, and other tomato-based sauces. Mexican Oregano is found in chili powders and adds flavor to chili con carne and other Mexican dishes.
Origins: Turkey is the principal supplier of Oregano to McCormick. It is stronger flavored and more bitter than the Greek variety. The Mexican type has a distinctively different flavor which is less minty, more hay-like and less bitter than the other sources.
Rosemary is the dried leaves of the evergreen Rosmarinus officinalis. The slender, slightly curved leaves resemble miniature curved pine needles. Normally hand harvested, the Rosemary plant grows about 2 to 3 feet tall and is very hardy as it grows under harsh mountainous conditions.
Uses: Rosemary is found in bouquet garni, herbes de Provence, and seasoning blends for lamb and Mediterranean cuisines.
Origins: The major producers of Rosemary are France, Spain/Portugal, and the "former Yugoslavia."
Formerly valued as a medicinal herb and a dye, saffron is now principally used for flavoring and coloring foods. It supplies the characteristic flavor and color in Spanish paella, Italian risotto, French bouillabaisse, Arabic lamb and chicken dishes, and Indian dessert sauces, as well as Swedish, Cornish and Pennsylvania Dutch holiday breads.
Saffron's short blooming season--about three weeks in the fall--and its labor-intensive harvest make it the most expensive of the herbs and spices on the market. The saffron sold in the tiny quantities you find in the grocery store is the dried stigmas of the fall-blooming crocus, Crocus sativus. [It has occasionally appeared in print that the part used is the stamen--the yellow pollen-producing organ. This is an error.] Each crocus bulb produces two to nine flowers per season, and each flower has three long red-orange stigma branches, attached together at the base. It takes the dried stigmas of a hundred flowers to make a gram of saffron. Fortunately a little saffron goes a long way: about 1/2 teaspoon of powdered threads will flavor a cup (raw measure) of rice.
Because saffron is so expensive there is always the risk of unknowingly buying a cheaper substitute, like safflower petals, (which produce the color but not the flavor of saffron), or of being cheated by an unscrupulous supplier who adulterates his product. For this reason it is best to buy it in the form of dried threads rather than a powder.
The Origin and Affinities of the Saffron Crocus: The saffron crocus is a sterile triploid cultivated variety possibly developed from the wild Crocus cartwrightianus of Greece. Its origins, like those of so many plants that have been in cultivation since antiquity, are lost to history. The genus Crocus has about 80 species that are native to regions from the Mediterranean to western China. Crocuses are in the Iris family.
Soy Sauce (Kicap Soya)
Originally from China, soy sauce is made from salted, cooked fermented soybean,wheat, salt, sugar and yeast. This process which can take up to two years, is very similar to making yogurt. Soy sauce, also known as Shoyu and Tamari is often used in "Oriental" cooking.
The condiment is used in all kinds of dishes from soups and sauces to stir-fries. Both the Chinese and the Japanese are renown for their skills at making soy based sauces.
The Chinese tend to prefer darker, salty more flavorful blends. The Japanese a lighter less salty even sweeter mixture. This is not a hard and fast rule as each culture has recipes which use both kinds of sauce.
Light soy is often used in seafood and vegetables dishes, while dark soy is used in meat based dishes.
One of the benefits using soy sauces is that it makes it easier to absorb iron from vegetable sources. Sadly, this is balanced by the high sodium content and the presence of tyramine, a pressor amine, both contribute to higher blood pressure.
An essential part of French cooking, Tarragon is part of the fines herbes mix (along with chives, parsley, and chervil). The leaves of this herb are used in classic French sauces, egg dishes, flavored butters and creamed cheeses, soups and in poultry dishes. A popular use is in Tarragon Vinegar, made by adding a sprig of Tarragon to a sterile bottle and covering with boiling white wine vinegar.
Fresh leaves are preferred, and store well in a plastic baggie kept in the freezer.
There are two types of Tarragon, "French" and "Russian." Because it is more savory with a light anise-like flavor, "French" tarragon is more highly sought. Oddly enough both "French" and "Russian" Tarragon originated in Russia.
High in vitamins A and C, the leaves from this herb are believed to help stimulate the appetite and a tea made from tarragon has often been used as a tonic.
Turmeric is the dried root of the plant Curcuma longa. Noted for its bright yellow color, it is related to and similar in size to ginger. Turmeric's flavor resembles a combination of ginger and pepper.
Uses: Turmeric is a powerful coloring agent. Used to color and flavor prepared mustard, pickles, relish, chutneys, and rice dishes as well as butter and cheese. It is also used in spice blends in the Caribbean, India, North Africa, the Middle East, and Indonesia such as curry powder and rendangs.
Origins: India (Alleppey Turmeric) is the primary exporter, although Peru and China are additional sources. Alleppey Turmeric is highly regarded for its deep yellow to orange-yellow color. Chinese Turmeric, which is of comparable quality to Alleppey, is characteristically more brownish in color.
Thyme is a member of the mint family, closely related to basil,oregano and marjoram. There are over 100 varieties of Thyme. Wild, garden, and lemon Thyme are the most commonly used. Thyme is one of the most popular herbs used in European cooking, and a member of Bouquet Garni (along with parsley and bay) a staple of modern European cuisine.
Thyme works well in almost any dish. It is often used in stews, soups, meats and stuffings. Lemon Thyme used sparingly is delightful with fish and chicken.
Thyme is believed to strengthen the immune system and thyme oil, distilled from the leaves, has been used in tonics to treat depression, colds, and muscular pains.
~Sue Hasue (I like ur kek lapis recipies~ Gotta try it once I'm bck in Mlka)
~Nor'67 (Thank u 4 da choc chips/tart nanas recipies~ My sons like it very much)
~Mama KL (U always give the best out of u)
~Mama Fizah (Ikan keli masak cekur quinches my appetite )
Reference: www.recipecentre.com, www.Avonspice.com